The bells and whistles.

Search Ads 360 has the features you need to delivers faster insights, improved collaboration, and better results.

The bells and whistles.

The brass tacks.

Search Ads 360 has what you need to run smarter search campaigns that integrate with the rest of your digital efforts.

Smart Bidding

Powered by Google’s machine learning technology, Search Ads 360 simplifies the bidding process and helps you tap into more sophisticated insights.

Mobile Measurement and Optimization

Optimize your search campaigns for mobile, so you can reach your audience anywhere, anytime.

Commerce Solutions

Get more flexibility and support for your search campaigns with this set of features.

Audience Insights and Activation

Tailor your audience targeting and activation for better results with Search Ads 360.


Key integrations allow you to use all of your customer insights to deliver the right search ad to the right customer.